The Embodied Educator

An exclusive educators membership portal where previous Masterclass Series participants can continue to deepen their personal and professional development

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Ever left an inspiring workshop only to feel like you're missing the practical support to put those great ideas into action? 



Are you an educator who's looking to integrate emotional literacy content into your classroom?

The Embodied Educator Online Portal supports educators in integrating emotional literacy into their work. Access lesson plans, connect with fellow educators, and enhance your classroom environment. Improve student resilience and self-confidence while prioritizing your emotional well-being.


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Where Educators Embrace Emotional Literacy for Growth

Discover a world of support and growth with our exclusive member benefits.

Enhance Your Teaching Toolkit

Access a wealth of themed monthly classroom resources, carefully crafted to enrich your teaching experience. From lesson plans to engaging activities, these resources empower you to create dynamic and effective learning environments.

Nurture Your Personal Growth

 Experience self-transformation in our monthly  sessions. Together, we will delve into the monthly theme and discover how it can enhance your personal growth, resilience, and emotional well-being. Learn to authentically connect with others in a self-empowered manner that enhances your joy and reduces your stress.


Stay Connected with Other Committed Educators

Join our online educators' forum, exclusively for members, and stay connected with other passionate educators. Share insights, exchange ideas, and collaborate on innovative approaches to bringing emotional literacy into your classroom.


Empowering the Next Generation for Lifelong Success

While we may not know what the jobs of the future will hold, we do know that the next generation would greatly benefit from developing the ability to skillfully communicate, self-regulate in appropriate ways, voice their needs and boundaries, understand their values and walk with them, and manage ongoing stress. These lifelong skills are essential not only in the workplace, but also within our relationships. Our kids deserve to be equipped with the best tools at their disposal to navigate an ever-changing and complex world.

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Enhancing Your Educator Experience: Your All-Inclusive Membership Benefits

Members will receive access to:

  • Themed monthly classroom resources
  • Online forum to stay connected with other educators in the portal
  • Online monthly CPR (Compassion, Presence & Reflection) Circles where we will engage in guided self-exploration and deepen our practice - this is where our teachings come to life! (First Tuesday of every month beginning October 1st, 2024 - June 3rd, 2025 from 6:30PM - 8:00PM)
  • Online Monthly Educators' Classes where we discuss how to integrate the theme of the month into your classroom. Learn what other professionals are doing!  (Third Tuesday of every month beginning September 24, 2024 - June 17, 2025 from 6:30PM - 8:30PM) *Note - session will take place on the 4th Tuesday in September*

Monthly LIVE CPR (Compassion, Presence & Reflection) Circles 

Live on Zoom first Tuesday of every month until end of June.

Monthly LIVE Educators' Classes

Live on Zoom third Tuesday of every month until end of June.

What are CPR Circles?

CPR Circles are a fun and safe place to connect deeply with others and practice three important elements of communication: Compassion, Presence and Reflection. 

These aspects are essential for successful problem solving, conflict resolution, supporting others (and ourselves) during challenging times, and enriching our relationships.


Enhance your communication skills - enhance your relationships.


Offering genuine care and understanding, helping individuals feel seen, heard and valued.


The art of being fully engaged and attentive without judgment or distraction.


Gently mirroring and summarizing thoughts and emotions, to gain clarity, insight and understanding.

  • Emotional Literacy Movement

    “Embodied educators are attuned to their own needs and the needs of their students. They model a healthy relationship to their emotions and strive to support the personal growth of their students, allowing them to become the best versions of themselves. ”

    Founder of The Emotional Literacy Movement

Pricing options

Pick the price option that best fits your needs:

*Exclusive Access*

*Due to the in-depth exploration and language used in this revolutionary program, membership is exclusive to educators who are currently enrolled in or have previously participated in the Emotional Literacy Masterclass Series.


Monthly Subscription


per month
Save $50

Full Payment


One time

3 Installments


dates to be agreed upon

Hear Directly From My Successful Students

  • The Embodied Educator group has been such a benefit to my teaching practice! Kris is always prepared with a discussion topic that furthers my own understanding of emotional literacy while also having tangible resources to bring into the classroom. Getting to connect monthly with a group of educators to discuss ways in which we are implementing the ideas in our own classrooms serves as a light of inspiration to continue integrating the content. The benefit of having other educators who know the system while also having a mutual understanding of language around emotional literacy practices is irreplaceable. I look forward to continuing in the Embodied Educator program because I can see and feel the ways in which this content has helped me and is helping my students. This work truly is revolutionary to the education system and I am proud to be a member of this group, doing such important work for the future generations.

    Alenna Mark

    Early Years Educator

  • I learned so much from the monthly educators group. Many times I changed my lesson plans for the very next day to reflect the ideas and practices taught. These classes made me a better teacher and a better person.

    Leah D

    High School Educator

Monthly Themes 2024/2025

Each month we explore a new theme. Classes will consist of a short pre-teaching recording, a mindfulness exercise, break-out activities, and large group discussion. Sessions will be recorded for those who are unable to make class.

The Wholehearted Classroom

According to Dr. Brené Brown, the Wholehearted are those who live their lives from a place of worthiness. They have the courage and compassion to live life heart-open. This month we will explore the Guideposts of Wholehearted Living and how they can be applied within your classroom.

The Language of the Body

Experts believe that anywhere from 70%-93% of our communication is non-verbal. This month's sessions explore how to read the signals in our own body - as well as those of others - so that we can more accurately attend to the needs that arise. 

From Co-Regulation to Self-Regulation

Healthy self-regulation does not develop as a natural process of aging. Rather, it is taught through ongoing co-regulating experiences with others - particularly our caregivers. Learn how to effectively co-regulate with others.

Creating Comfort: Classroom Design for Student Success

Learn how to increase feelings of comfort, safety, and togetherness through classroom design and how adding simple elements can positively influence regulation and optimize learning outcomes.

The Art of Reflective Goal Settling

Enhance the tradition of New Year's resolutions by guiding your students (and yourself) through a reflective process of assessing the various areas of healthy living. Use this knowledge to gain self-awareness and set goals in alignment with your needs, values, and aspirations.

Love Languages in Learning: Enhancing Classroom Relationships

We all express and receive love in different ways. This month, we will learn about the 5 Love Languages based on the work of Dr. Gary Chapman. These insights can help both you and your students to better understand one another's needs and how to best offer support and care.

Unmasking Cognitive Distortions: Strategies for Clear Thinking

Our brains are continually processing information. We all have well-worn pathways of thinking that arise when we are feeling overwhelmed. This month we will learn to identify when you or your students are stuck in one of these ruts and develop the skills to cultivate healthier thinking habits. 

Awakening Self-Knowledge: Identifying Personal Needs

Have you ever taken the time to really sit down to determine what your needs were in a given situation? What about in the scope of your family life? Your career? Your personal care? Identifying your needs and helping your students to do the same is an integral component of self-regulation.

Strength & Kindness: Setting Healthy Boundaries

Help students overcome people pleasing tendencies and learn to kindly and assertively advocate for themselves. Empower them to communicate their needs with strength and kindness and take initiative with regard to their health and wellbeing.

Fostering Self-Compassion in Students

Based on the work of Dr. Kristin Neff, tender self-compassion allows us to provide the self-care that we require in order to navigate challenging emotions, allowing us to get unstuck and move forward with grace. Self-kindness fosters resiliency and helps students manage challenges with empathy.

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Hi, I’m Kris Garner, founder of The Emotional Literacy Movement.

I began my career in the public school system back in 2007 as a middle years teacher. Over the decade that followed, my life changed dramatically as I started my family and tried to balance the needs of my students with my personal needs and my family responsibilities. After experiencing health issues brought on by the effects of chronic stress, I left the public school system and began my journey of recovery.
What I learned along the way was so simple, and yet so deeply impactful. I was astonished that the knowledge and skills I had gained were not more common place in our current institutions of education. Through my research and experience, I learned that emotional wellbeing is the core foundation of learning. If you don't feel safe, you can't learn..period. It is also a core element of healthy relationships, emotional regulation, resiliency, communication skills, self-confidence, self-compassion, physical wellbeing, predictions of levels of happiness in life...the list goes on and on. 
I am honoured to be offering a second round of our successful Embodied Educators Training. I can confidently say that this 10 month journey will deeply enrich your personal as well as your professional life. I look forward to the learning and connections that will emerge in the coming months.